No Place Like Home in Colorado Springs

We just returned home to Colorado Springs from a trip to Michigan for my mother’s memorial service and a little vacation. While it was great to see all of my family, and I enjoyed some things we can’t do here (like body surfing in Lake Michigan), it was so good to get home. The lower humidity, cooler mornings (and evenings), ability to sit outside at night without getting eaten by mosquitoes, the mountain vistas from almost anywhere you go, were things we missed even on a short trip.

Not that everything is perfect here in Colorado Springs. We hit some heavy traffic and thunderstorms coming through Denver. It had been pretty hot while we were gone, although we managed to miss that. Unemployment went up during our trip (ok, actually the report just came out) showing Colorado Springs unemployment at 8.9%, not good. There has even been a rash of violent crime in the southeast end of town, not typical or welcome here.

But when all is said and done, living in Colorado Springs is pretty darn good. I managed to sell a home on my first day back, and have a pretty busy work schedule ahead of me for the next several days, so whatever doom and gloom may appear in the news, at least I’m too busy to get caught up in it. And I’m looking forward to getting some more evening outdoor time. Nothing like a little vacation trip to remind you, there is no place like home, especially if home is Colorado Springs 🙂

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