Colorado Residents Have Lots of Higher Education Choices
Our youngest daughter graduated from Colorado State University in Ft Collins this past weekend, and the experience reminded me of what great choices we really have for higher education in the state of Colorado. I was always a bit hesitant about sending my kids away to state schools. So many horror stories make the papers, and everyone knows someone who never set foot inside a church again after their first semester in college.
For us it was the exact opposite. Heather got involved in a great ministry on campus, and in fact has decided to stay in Fort Collins, working as a full time campus evangelist with the Campus Ministries of Grace Christian Church. Many of her friends from high school also went to CSU, and in fact she is one of 3 from her own high school who have decided to go ‘on staff’ after graduation.
Heather’s twin brother Daniel decided to attend Pikes Peak Community College out of high school, and also attended an internship program at our own church, New Life. Having completed all that, he is now studying literature at UCCS (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs campus, also called CU Springs). This has also been a good experience so far, and the lower cost tuition at Pikes Peak was a blessing while he was sorting out what he really wanted to study.
Our daughter Heidi is studying nursing right now at Pikes Peak, with the goal of transferring to the CSU Pueblo nursing program at some point. CU Springs also has an excellent nursing program, but is very hard to get into from what we are told.
Other great in-state schools that we have friends whose kids have attended, include the US Air Force Academy (right here in the Springs!), University of Colorado (Boulder) , University of Northern Colorado (Greeley) , Colorado School of Mines, University of Denver, Metro State, Adams State, Western State, Colorado College (also right here in the Springs), Colorado Christian University, and a host of other private schools, like Regis, Colorado Tech, University of Phoenix and Everest. I can’t possibly list all the colleges and universities here, but here is a directory from the state of Colorado if you would like more information.