With technology being what it is, there are now many ways for you to view homes for sale in Colorado Springs. Each of the sites listed below has searching capabilities; however, at some point most of our clients need some help in determining search parameters. Your best option is to contact The Van Wieren Team at rick@ricksellscolorado.com or call 719-331-7675 with some of the things you are looking for, and we can set up a custom search on your own client web site directly on the MLS system. This provides the most complete details as well as the most timely updates.
- My Own Listings I always have some good listings, please take a look!
- Home Search via my APP – incorporates map based searching as well as advanced search capabilities including school districts, floor plans and more. We also incorporate some ‘pre-loaded’ searches on some of the more popular areas of town to help you get started!
- New Construction – I recommend visiting this section after you’ve become somewhat familiar with the areas of town you most interested in

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