School Scores and Home Prices
It has been said that “you get what you pay for”. It is no secret that oftentimes home prices tend to be higher on average in school districts with higher test scores. Looking at last year in Colorado Springs, this was no exception. The state ELA (English Language Arts) scores pretty much mirrored average home prices in each area (the higher the score, the higher the price and vice versa).
It should be noted that ELA scores do not tell the whole picture of educational quality. Moreover, 3rd grade reading test scores may or may not be the best measure, and what is presented is the percentage deemed ‘approached, met, or exceeded expectations’. However, this presents a somewhat objective measure of what is happening in each of the major districts of the area.
Also included are the math scores for the 4th grade standardized test. You can always check out the most recent CMAs scores for yourself, which include other school district and scores for other grade levels in the entire state of Colorado.
If you want more details from any school, check the State Department of Education Colorado Department of Education. It shows a very high correlation of the cost of real estate in Colorado Springs with the corresponding school district test scores.
Here is a brief summary:
Colorado Springs School Districts – Home Prices vs Test Scores
School District | 2021 Avg Home Price | 2021 3rd Grade Reading (Approached, Met, or Exceeds Expectation) | 2021 4th Grade Math (Approached, Met, or Exceeds Expectation) |
Cheyenne Mountain D12 | $862,876 | 82.5% | 84.4% |
Lewis Palmer D38 | $765,174 | 79.6% | 78.5% |
Academy D20 | $613,888 | 75.3% | 73.3% |
Manitou Springs D14 | $589,061 | 68.5% | 52.7% |
Falcon D49 | $464,812 | 64.4% | 62.7% |
Colorado Springs D11 | $430,466 | 50.9% | 47.3% |
Widefield D3 | $401,493 | 59.1% | 47.5% |
Fountain Fort Carson D8 | $390,100 | 56.2% | 59.8% |
Harrison D2 | $354,505 | 50.6% | 40.1% |
Questions? Please contact us! Rick is a member of the D49 school board and his wife, Holly, has an extensive background teaching in local school districts. Mary has a degree in education, so our team has the knowledge to help you find the right home in the right school district (if that is of concern for you).