Colorado Springs Just Listed as Having the Hottest Real Estate Market in the Nation
I’ve always believed the Colorado Springs real estate market was off to a strong start in 2017 (reporting monthly figures to back that up – see also this blog post from February), but a report by MarketWatch last week just announced that our area is THE HOTTEST in the nation!
ATTOM Data Solutions, a property data company, created a “Pre-Mover Housing Index”. This index is based on the ratio of mortgage applications with a loan settlement date to the number of home in a given market. An index above 100 means an above-average ratio of homes will be sold there compared with the national average.
ATTOM analyzed 120 metropolitan areas that had 100,000 or greater single-family homes and condos.
Number 1 on this list? Colorado Springs, with a Pre-Mover Index of 251 – WAY above the national average! Senior vice president of ATTOM, Daren Blomquist, said those that scored the highest combined affordable homes with access to jobs, which definitely describes our area.
A hot market naturally leads to fierce competition. Buying or selling, it will pay to make sure you’re prepared. With 25 years serving the real estate needs of Colorado Springs, I have the knowledge and experience to navigate – what one could argue – is the fiercest compeition around!
Contact me here or call me at 719-331-7675 and let’s discuss your situation.