2019 CMAS Scores Released for Colorado
2019 CMA scores for Colorado were recently released.
“The Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) are the state’s common measurement of students’ progress at the end of the school year in English language arts, math, science and social studies.
Students in grades three through eight take the CMAS tests in math and English language arts. Students in fifth, eighth and 11thgrade take the CMAS science assessments. In 2020, about a third of schools will administer the CMAS social studies assessments in grades four and seven.”
Look at the table below to see which school districts showed the biggest improvements in math and reading scores.
Biggest takeaways:
- District 49 saw the largest increase in reading scores
- District 8 saw the largest increase in math scores
*Test scores were taken from “all grades”.
Here are the individual grades and individual school scores
For more information on local schools, visit: https://livingcoloradosprings.com/relocation-center/schools/